Saturday, 1 October 2011

Helmets Save Lives


I always wear a cycle helmet. do you? Mine is more through habit than safety though, till Saturday 16 July 2011, when I was found by a passing motorist. I was lying unconscious in the middle of a roundabout.

A helmet saved my life that day. I came to discover that I wasn't the only one. Cycle helmets DO save lives Here are our stories:

11 stories / personal accounts have been added, to date.

Mike and Jack Field
Two brothers out for a ride, one was hit by a bus, not wearing a helmet. he survived, JUST

Melinda Hewitt
Innocently crossing a junction when tragedy hit. The helmet saved her.

Mountain biker gets taken out by an Antelope
incredible footage taken during a mountain bike race in Africa. one very lucky cyclist.

Michael Downes
A one man cycling accident when racing, he came down head first.

Ben Madden
A tragic loss of a tenage life, after a young cyclist collides with a deer.

Tim Ellis
Mountainbiking accident that resulted in a broken arm, luckily that was the only thing broken

Matthew Hunt 
Miscommunication on a group ride resulted in an unexpected trip to hospital. Luckily the collar bone was the only thing broken

Melanie Ryding
A routine ride one moment, hospital the next, what on earth happened? luckily the HELMET was the only thing broken that day.
Melanie's BBC radio Northampton Interview
Melanie's 10 minute 'assembly' - perfect for showing to children
Melanie's BBC radio Northampton interview: Cyclist killed in the Olympic park: should the law be changed?

Andrew Holgate
Several close shaves both by Andrew and family members means the helmet ensured they ARE still all here to talk to us.

Andrew Neill
Andrew was hit by a car while training for a charity triathlon. He sustained extensive injuries including a broken back (in two places) and was off work for over a year. The london Borough of Bromley use his story as an educational tool.

Phil Glenister
Phil Glenister  tells this tragic story of how without a helmet, lives can be lost

I have recently heard a tragic story  from a friend about a cyclist, a London commuter, involved in silly collision at low speed in dense traffic. He felt ok afterwards, and was conscious. He later was found to have internal; bleeding on the brain and died. No helmet.

and a final important message from James Cracknell...


contact me to add your story to this blog and get this message out far and wide. You are NOT superman, your head is precious, so protect it.


1 comment:

  1. glad to hear you are okay Mel and great post. I do wear a helmet, but will now be putting in an ICE number too. I don't tend to take my phone with me due to it's worth, but then your post made me think your life is worth so much more! I hope you have a speedy recovery and shout if I can do anything to help.


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