Wednesday, 30 November 2011

BBC Sports personality of the year: the alternative vote!

Much controversy surrounds the BBC Sports personality of the year this year:
unbalanced representation of sports
no women in the line-up
no Para-athletes in the line-up

Sunday, 27 November 2011

North Herts Cross Country

This week was rest week. This means I should feel all refreshed, yes? NO.

I think I have been working a little too hard lately, which means long hours, and shorts night’s sleep. The current job is quite stressful too (soon to change) all meaning I do not have as much time and energy as I would like. All this plus running the business Ryding2Health and you can see why I may run out of energy!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Games Maker London 2012 uniforms revealed

So this is what I and the other 70,000 volunteers will be wearing eh?
It’s kind of got the odd purple twist of Wimbledon in it, they say it is inspired by the historic Grenadier Guards uniform, with influences from the 1948 Games, Wimbledon and Henley Regatta.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Powerbreathe blog week 14: I forgot the inhaler on purpose

This week, I am beginning to realise that I in fact do NOT need that inhaler at all. Up till now I have always taken it (just in case) but this week, I went to the track WITHOUT it on purpose. Coach is not holding back on me at all, and I am learning to permanently hurt!!

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Biggleswade Cross Country; not just about going faster!

Today was a true NLP challenge for me. There was only one reason I actually decided to complete this race, well, actually 2.
1)    I am the cross country secretary and have all the race numbers and paperwork!
2)    I wanted a true mental toughness challenge!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Powerbreathe trial week 13: oops i forgot the inhaler!

Yep, the inevitable happened this week. I was in a rush, work is hectic, I had to go to the track to meet my coach directly from work. I forgot the inhaler. Normally that means that coach goes easy, because he is always afriad of me having asthma trouble and not being able to help me. Today was different.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

What are the benefits of cross country or off road running?

Don’t you just love to hate cross country? I do!! Despite it being ultra tough at times, and not at all like  a triathlon why on earth do I do it?

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Week 16: Clinical Psychologist report.

I have been looking forward to this day for a while. I good old black and white assessment on how I am doing. Head injury is a funny thing. You lose all grasp on what symptoms are the head injury and what are just you and life in general. It is such a fine line and sometimes no line at all. You also do not ever reach a time when you think ‘ah, I’m better now’. Neither can you say when you start feeling better, it all happens incrementally over time.