Wednesday 2 March 2011

Perfectly timed hills

This week coach was unable to meet me so I was left with instructions to do some hills. Usually, I do alright with self motivated instructions, but there is that extra little level of motivation that is associated with a coach standing yelling at you each time you pass him during a lap, instructions yelled at you from afar at all points on the track!

The instructions seemed quite achievable – I was told to do 12 hill reps, a set amount of time for the hill, and a set amount of time for the recovery. It was meant to be 65% - 70% effort. Hmmm, 70%? That seems a bit strange, I am used to having to cane myself, after all, I was on my hands and knees at the end of the last coached track session!

How did it go?

So, I set off up the hill, at what I perceived to be 65%. I made a mental note of where I got to, which house, which car, which crack on the pavement! I was able to almost walk back down, in the recovery time, and straight back for another rep. Each time I was able to get to the same point, and was still reaching the same point at rep number 6. In fact, I was still reaching the same point at the end of the second set of 6 reps, but by the last four or five I was beginning to find it a little tougher! The last one took almost all my effort but I was still able to reach the same point on the hill.


It seemed rather easy, almost too easy for the first 5 or 6, but by the last 4 or 5 were getting tough, and I was beginning to see why it was 70% effort! I did wonder at the time, though, if I was doing it right. I commented to my husband that it started easy and finished hard, he said ‘that’s how it’s meant to be!’

I was pleased that I seemed to time it to perfection, and was consistently able to keep the same hill pace throughout all 12.

The next day – it certainly feels like I did some work!!

Why do we do hills?

Read this blog – 'Justin Daerr on hill running' to see the answer to that one!

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