Thursday 25 November 2010

Resistance workout at home

Today I looked out of the window and thought eeeeeeuuugh!! I was due to cycle to the gym at 6am to do a strength workout. But the snow and icy weather put me right off! had I had the car this morning I would have gone no problem! Yes, even I have 'cant be bothered' moments!
I do have resistance workouts for home use on my web site with some downloadable ones in the members section. However, I didnt think that was enough for me any more. Those ones didnt involve weight and I am now getting quite strong.

So I constructed a plan B. Heres what I did instead. There is a reason that some exercises are missed out (for example, bicep curl) and that is becaus this set targets the strength areas needed for triathlon, and I dont need big or even strong biceps in particular, for triathlon! Feel free to add the other regulars, if triathlon is not your sole focus.

YOU WILL NEED: resistance bands, exercise ball
  • Each set was 3 x 15 AT LEAST unless it says otherwise.
  • On the most part I supersetted a lower and an upper body exercise, no rest break between the pairs of exercises.
1.      Resistance band squats  (stand on the band, and hold the other end at shoulder height, bent arms, so the resistance is applied when you straighten)        
2.      Straight arm pull / single leg squats (for straight arm pull, I used a door handle to wrap the other end around. Bend over at 90 degrees, pull both arms straight down keeping palms facing towards the rear. single leg squats, stay standing tall, use a step to rest the other foot on if you are unsteady, hold something heavy if you are strong. keep knee over toe)

3.      Seated row / lunges (wrap the band around your feet, or use a banister or something for the seated row.) 

4.      Squats against the wall with a ball / tricep dips (use an exercise ball for the squats, start with feet out at an angle in front so that when you bend to 90 degrees, your knees are over your toes.Tricep dips, use the edge of a seat, stool, etc)
5.      Sit ups....
          3 x 50 crunch
          Plank: 1 min each (side-front-side no rest breaks) 3 mins total. x 3 repeats
          Flutter kick 70 – back flat on floor, feet close to floor, legs straight

6.      Good Morning (wrap the pand under your feet, and round the back of your neck. perform the dead lift standing action keeping back and legs straight)

Have fun and let me know what you think. If you have any ideas about what you would add, do let me know!!

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