Therefore I really didn’t know if my training pre would translate well into racing. Also this year, there are many many new faces, and a sudden explosion in the interest in qualifying for the Great Britain team, making gaining that spot more and more difficult each year. Only Sunday will tell, eh?
I decided on a left had side start, as I had watched the
previous waves and there wasn’t much space, everyone seemed to bunch to the
right. As the starter did the count-down, the people pushed forwards, and I no
longer had my front line spot. No matter, I could see who was in front and I
knew I was a faster swimmer, so I would just need to do a sprint start and get
clear water around me. This worked out well, and I settled into a steady
stroke. I came upon traffic as I approached the first buoy, and a few zig-zag
swimmers. I toyed with the idea of staying on their feet, but to do so I had to
slow down, and the whole idea of drafting is for someone to pull you along, so I
decided to pass, focussed back on my own stroke and had clear water back to the
exit ramps. To be honest I thought it was a rather average swim for me, so I was
very surprised to see I had taken almost a minute off my swim time from this
race last year. Bike
Through T2 onto the run and I knew this was where I had to
focus the most. I have been working on some mantras to help me keep it
together, and all was going ok, till I allowed external factors to get to me
too much, I had lost the internal focus a little, and with that had taken the
foot off the gas, and let the form go. I had a serious word with myself and
dragged myself back together for the second and last lap. Hubby said I looked
better, smoother and quicker on the second lap so my self-talking to clearly
Since me and the ad matched, I had to get a photo! |
All I can do is focus on me. If I look at that for a second,
my swim was faster, my bike was faster (and it was 1.2km longer too!) and my
run was faster than my race there last year. I can’t ask much more of myself
than that.
Roll on next week, and qualifier number 2!
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