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Stress is higher now than ever. Success of any company depends on the performance of its people. Coaching brings out the best in people, sharpening and perfecting their already acquired skills. Coaching assists growth and personal development, stimulates individuality, allowing clients to develop options for themselves, creating positive emotional balance, directly related to being productive, resourceful and successful.
The NLP coach creates and facilitates change, supporting and promoting the clients growth, learning and personal bench marks, bringing out the very best in people.
NLP coaching can be used for:
Traditional therapy has always been ‘treatment’ of a problem, involving asking the question why, whereas NLP asks ‘how?’ and probes for the deep structure of the problem, thus fixing it at root, permanently. Traditional therapy assumes that emotions are wrong and should be suppressed. NLP is interested in the persons present state, wanting them to create an excellent compelling future. This means getting rid of past obstacles.
Traditional therapy focuses on problems that have to be fixed, whereas NLP assumes the client is already fit and well, and simply wants to create a compelling future for themselves, actions and outcomes rather than a broken problem that needs to be fixed. Rather than resolving old pain, NLP helps the client discover what is preventing them from achieving their goals, and teaches them new ways of thinking and looking at things.
NLP empowers you to gain more control over your inner capabilities. Traditional therapy focuses on fixing the past whereas NLP focuses on creating a compelling future with achievable goals and outcomes. Utilise strategies to create results, not fix problems. The NLP coach is always there for the client to bounce ideas to, getting support from someone trained in the process of creating change.
As a sports person myself, I have come to realise very clearly why nutrition is important. Many people join a slimming club to lose weight. Most of these clubs promote a low fat diet to get good weight loss results. What people don't realise till much later though, is the effect this have on your body.
I took up sport, and became a triathlete. I found that although I was at the recommended weight, I still wanted to lose a few more pounds and optimise my power to weight ratio. I returned to the low fat way of eating that had worked for me before. I became tired, slower, training was a struggle, even stop progressing.
While in calorie deficit (the low fat diet) your body may not have the nutrients required for it to function as you want it to.
Food is fuel
WHEN you eat, and WHAT you eat is the key. Protein is much more important than you think. learning a few simple rules, following a few simple instructions and concentrating on seeing food as fuel, you will notice immediate improvements, will be much less fatigued and can lose weight while still training well. I believe that it is a popular misconception that protein is only for body builders. This is not the case. The body needs protein to aid repair.
I believe that far too many athletes think that the popular diet culture belief of a low fat diet being the best way to control weight, when in fact this is completely wrong.
Food is a fuel, and your body is an engine. It will not perform as you expect, unless you put the right mix in.