Saturday 24 March 2012

NLP visualisation: How to keep count of your lengths!

I was in the swimming pool the other day, nothing unusual really, I go regularly. But this time, I managed to stumble upon a visualisation technique that helped me keep count of the laps. Yes, really!

Want to know what it was?

Picture this: you know the graphics that you see when the indoor swimming champs are televised? Much like this picture?

Well, as you are swimming down the pool (hopefully looking down and just ahead?) picture in your mind's eye a huge number graphically imposed on the swimming pool floor, the number of the length that you are on. Any colour you like... mine was blue. The number is see through, you can still see the tiles of the floor through it, but the number is gigantic, it almost fills the whole swimming pool floor. See yourself swimming over the different sections of the number, then if disappears under you as you reach the end of the pool and turn.

When you set off on your next length, watch the huge graphically imposed number change, (increase by one) and see the new number on the floor of the pool as you swim towards it and over it.

repeat this exercise till you have completed the number of lengths that you are swimming.

When I did this, I found that as I usually lost count, and had to check my lap counter occasionally, instead I was sure what length I was on, because I could see the previous number that I had just swum over as i completed the previous length.

It worked a treat for me. let me know how it works for you :)

1 comment:

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