Tuesday 8 February 2011

Striking a balance - LIFE GOES ON!

Triathlon can be addictive. A recent blog by Chrissie Wellington reminded me of this. Then I considered what I thought to be addicted:

Need a regular fix of something
Become cranky and irritable of you don’t get it
Suffer withdrawal symptoms...

Need I go on...! Yes, I am addicted to triathlon. This is good, because it is what drives me, what motivates me to get out there, complete the training come what may, get it all done, improve, do my best. BUT.... it can also be at the expense of other things I have come to realise. This is still NOT the day job. it is NOT what makes the world go round, pay the bills.

Mistakes that I have noticed in myself that means there’s an imbalance:
·       Family holidays begin to revolve around where the next big race is
·       When I get a social offer, I wonder first what the impact is on training will be
·       When I go away, I always take trainers and the first thing I do is look for the nearest gym
·       When something crops up in real life that prevents a training session I have a melt down
·       Spare time is fitted around training
·       The husband is fitted in around training
·       Meals are fitted around training
·       If I am not careful – work is fitted around training!
Need I go on!! ? How many do you recognise in yourself?

The DAWN of realisation!
I went away this weekend. The purpose was a primary school reunion in my home town of Burnley, Lancashire. It was very surreal. I almost didn’t go. I was cajoaled into it by more than one person. It didn’t seem like home. The hills seemed much bigger (I didn’t run when I was a kid, so didn’t care what the hills were like!) and the missed training frustrated me.
I met up with a ton of people I hadn’t seen in many many years. I turned down the last reunion – it didn’t fit around training and races. I ACTUALLY HAD A REALLY GOOD TIME.
It made me realise a few things though:
·       I sometimes take everything far too seriously
·       I can afford to lighten up a bit and it will NOT make me instantly slower
·       A social life is very important
·       Friends are very important – REAL ONES!
So, a word of warning, to all athletes, triathletes, and anyone else, take a look – is YOUR balance correct? Does your life still go on?

I have made a vow to myself that mine will, from now on!

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